BM-Flow MR

Many larger treatment plants face significant challenges in ensuring a consistent or regulated inflow to their process tanks, resulting in reduced treatment functions and increased energy costs. The flow to process tanks is entirely dependent on the design of the inlet channel and the current flow. These issues can be completely eliminated by using the newly developed BM-Flow MR.

BioMizing offers a highly accurate level measurement and subsequent flow regulation over adjustable overflow edges with the newly developed BM-Flow MR system. The system consists of a specially designed scissor system that (as an option) can measure the movements of the adjustable overflow edge, as well as an actuator-based level measurement that dictates the current water level (measuring the current “water curtain”), and using a calculation, the exact flow can be measured and subsequently used to adjust the adjustable overflow edge.

The picture shows the installation and commissioning of BM-Flow MR at Hillerød’s new central treatment plant, where there is a long inlet channel that distributes flow to the three process tanks.

Read more about BM-FLow MR here:

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