Svendborg Spildevand A/S has chosen BioMizing as supplier of: New aeration at Egsmade Wastewater Treatment Plant

The work includes 3D design, delivery, installation and commissioning of new bottom aeration equipment on two process tanks.

The delivery includes the following main components:

  • 2 fan housings on tank set.
  • 4 Sultzer turbo compressors
  • Complete pipework system incl. Egger Iris valves and ABB flow meters
  • 384 Aerostrip high-efficiency strip diffusers EU-Q4.0 and EU-Q2.0
  • 12 platforms for agitators
  • 24 Sultzer stirrers,

Egsmade wastewater treatment plant is a triple-channel treatment plant that currently has surface aeration.

By converting to bottom aeration and installing efficient agitators, a significant energy reduction is expected. Egsmade Wastewater Treatment Plant is designed for a load of 105,000 PE.

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