Lynetten WWTP

Lynetten Wastewater Treatment Plant is Denmark’s largest sewage treatment facility located on Refshaleøen in Copenhagen. It is a central purification plant that treats wastewater from approximately one million people in the metropolitan area. The plant plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient and environmentally sound treatment of wastewater before it is discharged into the sea.

BioMizing ApS has been awarded the exciting task of installing bottom aeration at Lynetten Wastewater Treatment Plant. This extensive project involves the installation of no less than 7,000 AEROSTRIP® diffusers at the bottom of the plant’s tanks. These diffusers are key components of the new air supply technology that will significantly enhance the purification process.

In addition to the installation of the diffusers, BioMizing ApS is also responsible for the extensive piping and air regulation. This entails designing and implementing an efficient piping system that ensures optimal air distribution to each diffuser. Air regulation is critical in achieving precise and accurate airflow, ensuring optimal oxygenation and circulation in the treatment plant’s processes. For this purpose, Egger Iris® valves will be installed to ensure the most optimal air regulation.

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