Exclusive distributor of Eggers Iris Valve

We are pleased to announce that BioMizing has become the exclusive distributor of the Egger Iris Valve for the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian markets as of 1/1-2024.

Why choose a Iris Valve?

The Egger Iris valve is the best process air control valve on the market and represents precision and reliability in air flow control. The valve has a control range of 6-18,000 Nm3/h and is available in sizes from DN25 to DN400. It can be supplied with both manual and automatic operation, for example using the Auma actuator.

The Iris valve has a ground-breaking design that enables precise and proportional control of flow rates, ensuring both optimum process efficiency and measurement accuracy. The valve can regulate flow rates from 0 to 100%, giving full control of the airflow.

The highest quality materials are used in the construction of the valve, ensuring minimum maintenance and a long service life, even under the most demanding operating conditions.

Egger Iris Valve:

Monterede Iris valves:

Here is an example of a project where BioMizing has delivered and mounted the Iris valve.

Lynetten R/A (Copenhagen 2021-23)

For further information contact Peter Dalgaard: pd@biomizing.dk

Download the news here: BM-04-2024

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